South Africa - 2019

In search of the elusive leopard. 2 nights at Kruger National Park followed by a night at Sabie Sands private nature reserve.
Mother and baby rhino South Africa is home to more than 80% of the world's rhinos, and most of the poaching takes place here at Kruger National Park. August 30, 2019
Mother and baby rhino
Baboons playing agains the sun The baboon, is a truculent, cunning and intelligent animal that will eat almost anything, including small mammals and birds. Here, they are playing under the...
Baboons playing agains the sun
The beautiful giant of the Kruger. The Elephant is the world's largest land mammal, and weighs up to 7 tonnes and reaches heights of 3.3 m at the shoulder. Elephants can live to a potential age...
The beautiful giant of the Kruger.
Who's watching who ? Grazers, like buffalo, depend on the grass for their nutrition while browsers, like the giraffe, have a diet based around leaves. Kruger National Park - August...
Who's watching who ?
Vervet monkey Vervet monkeys are social animals that live mostly in trees in groups of between 15 and 30; often warn other animals of impending danger. Kruger National Park -...
Vervet monkey
Lions quenching their thirst Lions are the biggest, and most social, of the African cats, living communally in prides. Pride leadership often shifts between several individual animals -...
Lions quenching their thirst
Hippos, crocs and impala's sharing a water hole. Hippo favour deep pools of slow-moving water, and along the Sabie River there are several well-known pools that they have occupied for many years. Kruger...
Hippos, crocs and impala's sharing a water hole.
Impala's Most numerous impala's in the Park with over 130 000 adults at any one time; grazers and browsers; only rams have horns, they weigh up to 80kg. Kruger National...
A Glossy Starling A Glossy Starling, noisy, colourful and conspicuous, the glossy starling feeds on insects, fruit and aloe nectar. Kruger National Park - August 30, 2019
A Glossy Starling
Yellowbilled Hornbill This is a common bird that often gathers at picnic sites. During its breeding season in summer, the female is sealed inside a nest in a hollow tree with only a...
Yellowbilled Hornbill
Yellowbilled Hornbill Food is passed into the nest by the male Yellowbilled Hornbill, who spends much of the day catching insects to feed the female. Kruger National Park - August...
Yellowbilled Hornbill
Impala's not scared of the crocs. Graceful in movement, impalas can leap over a three-metre fence and can run in bursts of up to 80km/h; favoured prey of many predators. Kruger National Park -...
Impala's not scared of the crocs.
Yellowbilled Stork A Yellowbilled Stork catching food at a waterhole inside Kruger National Park - August 30, 2019
Yellowbilled Stork
Lion Lions have always had an association with royalty and leadership. Their power is reflected in their impressive size and the fact that their lifestyles allow...
Lions near the Sabie River Lions are the biggest, and most social, of the African cats, living communally in prides. Kruger National Park - August 31, 2019
Lions near the Sabie River
Hippos The Hippo is a massive, semi-aquatic mammal with a mass of up to 2,5 tonnes. It is able to walk under water on the river bed, and can remain submerged for five...
A family of Elephants An elephant can draw 17 litres of water at a time. During winter, elephant are usually concentrated within six kilometres of water and drink on average every...
A family of Elephants
Zebras posing for a picture. Zebra and wildebeest appear to have a close social relationship, and of all the grazers appear most prone to seasonal migration. Long-term patterns in Kruger...
Zebras posing for a picture.
Mother and baby A giraffe's height - up to 5,5m - makes it physically difficult for this animal to drink and sleep. Giraffes, therefore, usually sleep standing up, although...
Mother and baby
Leopards Leopards are the least social - and perhaps the most beautiful - of the African big cats. They usually keep to themselves, lurking in dense riverine bush or...